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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Presentation Tools

I looked through various sites that helped with presentations. These are the three that I though would most work for our presentation later in the course.

PreZentit works very similarly to PowerPoint. It isn’t as fancy as PowePoint. For example I could not add sounds to the slides. The transitions were cute. One thing I do love about PreZentit that I can add my own background image from my photo library. Overall I think PreZentit is great for those who are a little scared of too many bells and whistles in their presentations.

Animoto is the coolest thing ever! It enables you to upload music onto your presentation. It also enables you to upload photos and videos. The backgrounds work similarly to what you see in professional videos and commercials. If you have ever created a podcast using a Mac, then this is very similar, except maybe a little bit easier to use. It guides you through it. Animoto is not free, unfortunately. It costs five dollars per month. However, if you are really into the whole fancy presentation thing that will truly capture your students’ attention, this one is it. I am considering using this one for my presentation. I love it!

Another site that I really liked, especially because it is interactive, was VoiceThread. This presentation allows others to comment through audio or text. It becomes extremely interactive. It is not the most user friendly presentation site, however, it is very interactive. Others can even doodle on the actual presentation. This is a great tool for those of us who have websites for our classrooms and would like to extend the learning home. Although I am wondering how good this will be for the project in our class, I am thinking of using it in my own classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ana,
    The spread of technology in education has opened a vast array of instructional options. The typical classroom, of four walls and desks, seems more and more a thing of the past as technology allows teachers to bring the content to life through digital media.
