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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Texas Wildfires/ Building More Compassionate Students

Building more compassionate students is not too hard for elementary school teachers.  Students at this age have a very strong sense of right and wrong.  If you have any doubts about this just have someone wrongfully accuse another person in your classroom, and mayhem will ensue.  Therefore teaching students to be more compassionate and be willing to help others is not that hard.  I have found that if you inform the students of the suffering of others, they will jump on board to help.  Texas is experiencing a natural disaster that has left many homeless.  It all began with severe droughts in East Texas.  Now East Texas, unlike West Texas is fairly green, so droughts will dry up a lot of brush and grass.  This creates an opportunity for wildfires to take form.  This is exactly what happened. Unfortunately many have lost their homes because of the wildfires.  I have made of compilation of websites that will help educate students on what is happening in the Texas wildfires right now. I have also found a website that teaches about drought.  Once we have gone over the information, then we can create activities to help the Red Cross help the victims of the Texas wildfires.

Drought Information For Kids Website

Article on Texas Wildfires

Video CBS News: “No Containment of Texas Wildfire”

Map of Texas Wildfires